Christina Arntz

Moon Guide

Kinda into manifestation & kinda annoyed by the *I've channeled this under the blue moon* crap?

Me, too. LOL. But using the moon to create a powerful manifestation ritual is bomb, so I made a guide for you.

I'm already hooked LOL - count me in

Everything you need to know

I hate bullshit!

...I don't know about you, but I’ve never been the gal who needed to light a million candles, wear crystals in her bra, smoke palo santo, praise all the angels & chant mantras in languages I don’t understand while dancing around the fire kinda in order to manifest my wildest desires.

And still, my manifestation process WORKS (or maybe it worked BECAUSE I cut the bullshit?! 🤪).

Don’t get me wrong, I still love spicing my everyday-life & especially my rituals with some magic. ✨

BUT I don’t actually care if the moon is doing flic-flacs up in the sky, or if mercury is giving you tech issues. 🤣

What I do care about:

You making a healthy, grounding, expansive activity, that brings you closer to a life you’re wildly turned on by, a HABIT & not skipping it more than you stick to it because it feels overwhelming and like waaaay too much work.

What we'll cover:

My “lazy girl hacks” to Simplify your Rituals

Rituals are beautiful, grounding and potent as f*ck IF we actually do them.

I'm sharing the hacks I've come up with over time to ensure I actually do my manifestation/moon ritual rather than skipping out on it more often than I do it.

My simple (but effective) Journaling Routine

Yes, we want to take our time and not skip through our ritual, but most of us need to simplify it if we want to actually do it and reap the rewards of it.

To me, journaling is one of the most powerful manifestation tools. In this guide, I'll show you what exactly I do (mind you: this has gotten me my dream houses, my dream car, and so much more).

Take your own Process to the Next Level

Once you've got the basics down and you are getting consistent with your ritual and enjoying the results of it, you may want to spice up your ritual. In the no-bullshit guide, I share my favorite ways to take your manifestation ritual to the next level.

Bonus: My favorite Manifestation Tool

Exclusively with this guide, you can unlock one of my favorite manifestation tools. I use this almost daily to feel powerful AF and aligned with my vision. Basically, it helps me stay on track with what I manifest during my rituals and boooyyyyy, is this good. I can't wait for you to create your own version of this. I'm giving you all the details of this in a 20-minute bonus video (wohoooo).

Love-letters from my clients

Emotions Flow Mentor

(...) It was so much more than I thought it would be. I booked the mentoring in a time where my business was still in my comfort zone, not many clients, maybe an income of 3000€/month. (...) Through your easy-going, but clear way, I got super fast access to my own answers and they just can’t be ignored. I really discovered myself, activated my skills and you were instrumental in that. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for what you have triggered in me. Thanks to your support, after one month, I adjusted my prices for the 1:1 coaching, they got fully booked and I finally successfully launched my group program and made 23.000€. This would not have been possible with the mindset before our collaboration (...).

Life & Business Mentor

I've been working with Christina for over a year now and I couldn't compare any other mentor to her. She's unique in her work. The way she shows up on IG is the exact same way she shows up in our calls. Raw. Pure. Confident. Fully and unapologetically herself. And this fact made me feel incredibly safe to show myself fully as well. She always gets to the root of my problems. When I feel lost within my thoughts, she leads me and clears my path. She doesn't tell me what to do - instead she continues to remind me of my own power, my wild woman that's been hiding way too long. Christina knows and teaches all the strategies around a successful business, but most importantly she shares her wisdom around an incredibly successful life. When I work with her I feel seen, heard and understood. I don't want to talk about numbers here, cause she not only changed the way I do business - she changed the way I do life. With more fun, ease and clarity. I will forever be grateful for her work and the wildly abundant life, I created for myself though her work. And you're a fool if you hesitate one second to work with her.

Spiritual Mentor

If I had to describe Christina’s energy in one word, it would be sensuality! She truly is the Queen of Pleasure! (...) I brought real ease and fun back into my work and devoted myself to feminine play. After 3,5 years of being self-employed, many concepts and structures had gathered and dominated my business. Through Christina’s reflection, I could let go of those that didn’t actually serve me. Instead of being afraid to lose potential clients through the changes we made, I actually received space for real abundance and next to an increased income, I am now working with women who are absolute soul clients (...). Christina triggered, mirrored, and encouraged me. She allowed me to fully exhale and cracked me open to receive biiiiiiig visions. Apart from my business growth, I am so so grateful, from the bottom of my heart, that I can again feel puuuuure pleasure in my life - every day. Her energy is priceless.

Business & Life Mentor

My whole life has changed completely. I feel more confident and more free. I feel like there is nothing I can't do. I trust myself so deeply that everything around me has changed for the better. My love life, all of my relationships (with my parents, with friends and money ;)). That feeling beats everything. On top of that, I hit my first 10k month with ease. I truly feel like a badass.

Picture of former happy client Sarah.
Soul Business Mentoring

Working with Christina was like a magical journey to the best, most wonderful and successful version of myself.
I had been feeling the pull to work with her for a while and knew I would eventually work with her and what can I say? My feeling didn’t let me down.
This woman has inner wisdom as if she was 111 years old and at the same time, she’s so refreshing, funny, and full of passion for what she does.
She doesn’t give you any exhausting one-size-fits-all strategies, but helps you find your own answers within YOURSELF.
Doing so, she is attentive, loving, but also gives a kick in the butt if needed (and we all need it sometimes).
The Mentoring hasn’t just changed the way I run my business, but also my entire life. Especially the relationship to myself has changed dramatically: I feel so full of love and LIFE.
I know the work we did together was like a grain that will provide me with fruits for a really long time.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you wonderful soul!

Instagram & Business Mentor

(...) I don’t feel like a different person, but like I finally see, feel and show my own inner power. I feel strong, self-leading, courageous and have an entirely different energy, posture and aura (on- and offline). Even my partner noticed. (...) My business is on an entirely different level in terms of flow, ease, fun and abundance. The offers I’ve allowed myself to create now are things I thought I would do in 3 years from now. Without you, I would probably still mess around with 3-figure offers wondering why my business isn’t profitable. Also in my private life, I’ve attracted way more pleasure and sensuality. I enjoy more and feel better and more relaxed (and I used to be the hustle-queen!). Thank you!

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The No-Bullshit Moon Ritual Guide... THE guide to create your own moon ritual that doesn’t feel like another *to do* and one that actually CREATES the very 3D results you desire.

Cause, you know: You want more time for yourself (right?!)

You crave that feeling you feel right after your monthly meditation (lol) more often - and you want what you want NOW rather than later.

Make your Moon Date a non-negotiable & grab your guide now to make your moon ritual a non-negotiable, fun, potent thing you do for yourself.

How it works

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Ready for a delicious bi-weekly ritual that helps you stay on track with what you want?

This is one of my popular *Self-Study Quickies* which means: you get instant access to all the materials upon purchasing.

You get the gist by now: I like to not overcomplicate things, so the guide itself is a no-full, get-to-the-point 11-page document that you can walk through in your own timing.

It has helped me make my moon rituals a consistent thing I genuinely enjoy. I love taking time for me and to create room for me to connect with my deepest desires. Plus, I love how grounded, aligned and inspired I always feel afterwards. Win-win-win, I would say.


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Create your own moon ritual that doesn’t feel like another *to do*, but one that actually CREATES the very 3D results you desire.

All In

Grab the guide for a special price today!
