Christina Arntz

Become your own SUGAR MOMMY

You want biz to feel easy, but you know you're overcomplicating it.

Let's change that! ❤️

Say no more - I'm ready!

Everything you need to know

It's time for overflow!

You know business is less about strategy than it is about who you are and you’re so happy with how much you’ve already evolved through this work. However, the money isn’t yet flowing as you feel it should - and you’re so fucking ready to change that & be able to spoil yourself (and your loved ones) on a regular basis.

You’re still in the reality where: you see something you want, you feel excitement pulsing through your body and then - boom - you realize you *can’t* or *shouldn’t* buy it right now. You might buy it anyway, but feel like you should really start making more money.

You crave for people to see you & to proudly stand in your bigness and really share your soul, wisdom & skills with people - and get paid abundantly for it.

You know you’re still talking yourself out of many of your desires because you “don’t really need it” while actually you don’t even want to buy things based on need, but desire. You’re ready to confidently express yourself instead of overthinking your every move and looking at how others are running their business. Am I right?!

You love to invest in yourself and know how deeply supported you feel through having a mentor on your side. Maybe you’ve even already found a person you’d basically buy anything from cause you get so much out of working with them - but when it comes to joining their new offer, your body says HELL YES, but something inside of you screams HELL NO. "I've already invested so much...." You want to really LIVE instead of playing it safe & overthinking.

My love, your life is about to change!

Not that long ago, I was in a constant battle with money. In every cell of my body I felt that I was meant to have a lot of money and I had a deep love for luxury things, but somehow the reality in which I live in a state of overflow felt far away - even though I was making consistent progress. I thought to myself:

I am doing alright, but *alright* is not the word I want to describe my life with.

I ended up turning around my whole life and went on a journey of getting really fucking clear on how I was still blocking myself from having *more than enough* money - because there had to be something, right?!

Within reasonably short time, my bank account was bursting. It was showing numbers, I had never seen, or even been able to imagine - and funny enough, no matter how much I was spending, there was always more than enough left. Joining a year-long mastermind. Easy. Buying my dream Chanel handbag. Easy. Buying my dream car (a Jeep Wrangler woop woop - such a sexy car, isn’t it?!) in cash. Easy. I kept spending money on things I had always dreamed of and because money kept coming in, having 50.000€ just chillin' in the bank became normal.

I’ve always dreamed of FREEDOM: work when I want, live where I want and how I want - and get paid abundantly for work that doesn’t feel like work.

Today, I have that.

What I live today - and how quickly it came to be - still blows my mind every day. It wasn't complicated. In fact, it was much easier than I had thought.

Now it is my joy and honor to help YOU create your own version of this.

What we'll cover:

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Love-letters from my clients

Emotions Flow Mentor

(...) It was so much more than I thought it would be. I booked the mentoring in a time where my business was still in my comfort zone, not many clients, maybe an income of 3000€/month. (...) Through your easy-going, but clear way, I got super fast access to my own answers and they just can’t be ignored. I really discovered myself, activated my skills and you were instrumental in that. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for what you have triggered in me. Thanks to your support, after one month, I adjusted my prices for the 1:1 coaching, they got fully booked and I finally successfully launched my group program and made 23.000€. This would not have been possible with the mindset before our collaboration (...).

Life & Business Mentor

I've been working with Christina for over a year now and I couldn't compare any other mentor to her. She's unique in her work. The way she shows up on IG is the exact same way she shows up in our calls. Raw. Pure. Confident. Fully and unapologetically herself. And this fact made me feel incredibly safe to show myself fully as well. She always gets to the root of my problems. When I feel lost within my thoughts, she leads me and clears my path. She doesn't tell me what to do - instead she continues to remind me of my own power, my wild woman that's been hiding way too long. Christina knows and teaches all the strategies around a successful business, but most importantly she shares her wisdom around an incredibly successful life. When I work with her I feel seen, heard and understood. I don't want to talk about numbers here, cause she not only changed the way I do business - she changed the way I do life. With more fun, ease and clarity. I will forever be grateful for her work and the wildly abundant life, I created for myself though her work. And you're a fool if you hesitate one second to work with her.

Spiritual Mentor

If I had to describe Christina’s energy in one word, it would be sensuality! She truly is the Queen of Pleasure! (...) I brought real ease and fun back into my work and devoted myself to feminine play. After 3,5 years of being self-employed, many concepts and structures had gathered and dominated my business. Through Christina’s reflection, I could let go of those that didn’t actually serve me. Instead of being afraid to lose potential clients through the changes we made, I actually received space for real abundance and next to an increased income, I am now working with women who are absolute soul clients (...). Christina triggered, mirrored, and encouraged me. She allowed me to fully exhale and cracked me open to receive biiiiiiig visions. Apart from my business growth, I am so so grateful, from the bottom of my heart, that I can again feel puuuuure pleasure in my life - every day. Her energy is priceless.

Business & Life Mentor

My whole life has changed completely. I feel more confident and more free. I feel like there is nothing I can't do. I trust myself so deeply that everything around me has changed for the better. My love life, all of my relationships (with my parents, with friends and money ;)). That feeling beats everything. On top of that, I hit my first 10k month with ease. I truly feel like a badass.

Picture of former happy client Sarah.
Soul Business Mentoring

Working with Christina was like a magical journey to the best, most wonderful and successful version of myself.
I had been feeling the pull to work with her for a while and knew I would eventually work with her and what can I say? My feeling didn’t let me down.
This woman has inner wisdom as if she was 111 years old and at the same time, she’s so refreshing, funny, and full of passion for what she does.
She doesn’t give you any exhausting one-size-fits-all strategies, but helps you find your own answers within YOURSELF.
Doing so, she is attentive, loving, but also gives a kick in the butt if needed (and we all need it sometimes).
The Mentoring hasn’t just changed the way I run my business, but also my entire life. Especially the relationship to myself has changed dramatically: I feel so full of love and LIFE.
I know the work we did together was like a grain that will provide me with fruits for a really long time.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you wonderful soul!

Instagram & Business Mentor

(...) I don’t feel like a different person, but like I finally see, feel and show my own inner power. I feel strong, self-leading, courageous and have an entirely different energy, posture and aura (on- and offline). Even my partner noticed. (...) My business is on an entirely different level in terms of flow, ease, fun and abundance. The offers I’ve allowed myself to create now are things I thought I would do in 3 years from now. Without you, I would probably still mess around with 3-figure offers wondering why my business isn’t profitable. Also in my private life, I’ve attracted way more pleasure and sensuality. I enjoy more and feel better and more relaxed (and I used to be the hustle-queen!). Thank you!

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Confession: I’m a money bitch 🤣

I love money. I love pretty things. And beds on airplanes. 

And it’s my mission to help people just like you, people with great intentions and big hearts, to make a lot of money with work they love. Cause here’s the thing: 

Money isn’t bad - and You are certainly not bad for wanting lots of it. 

I believe - and can say from experience - that most of us are massively overcomplicating money - and even *the inner / healing* work. It's almost like we are addicted to "difficult".

The path to EASY & ABUNDANT is building a strong foundation WITHIN AND (!) applying that to business so you can stay chill & have FUN while launching rather than sitting at home waiting for payment notifications to pop up, or even going to the spa to be *in a high vibe* when you're actually just anxiously waiting for sign-ups (been there, done that 😉).

Here's what I really want you to know:

You are worthy of orgasmic amounts of money NOW and there is no God, or any other force, in the world, waiting for you to prove or heal yourself so that they can give it you.

You get to have it NOW. I’ll show you how!

How it works


You'll get immediate access to the 2-hour masterclass upon signing up.


After you're all signed up, you'll get an email with your personal login data for our member's area & you can dive into the content immediately.

You can’t pay 5* hotels with love & light

The down-and-dirty truth is: I am driven by money. I just love it - and I think there’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t believe it makes me a bad person.

Going from zero to multiple 6-figures/year did not change me as a person. It just made life more fun and fulfilled cause I get to change peoples' lives while tanning by the pool of the beach-front villa I'm staying at.

In fact, I believe we can give more freely when our own cup is full - and in today's world that includes an opulent amount of money.

However, money and wanting lots of money still has such a negative reputation that affects thousands of female entrepreneurs who "just want to help people".

My truth is this:

We get to be kind humans and wealthy bitches!

And we get to be that NOW. Any story you may tell yourself around why you can't make more money yet is nothing but a limiting belief that I am excited to crush with you in BECOME YOUR OWN SUGAR MOMMY.

...and any judgement you may have towards yourself (or even me;)) for wanting to be a (kind, loving) rich bitch gets to be transformed through the powerful inner work we'll do together.

You'll sit in this call with me and feel yourself transform. You'll feel the sensations in your body shift. You'll feel... yourself. Raw. Wild. Free.

You'll see yourself - fully - and here's what I've found:

If you want to become more visible and attract your soulmate clients, you’ve gotta see & accept yourself - fully.

You gotta love yourself as you are now (cheesy, I know, but trust me) & ditch all the BS you still believe around “what it takes” to make more money.

And I'm gonna be real honest here: if you're nowhere near the income you desire to make, you're likely overcomplicating the process.

With BECOME YOUR OWN SUGAR MOMMY, I want to offer you the fast-track. Your skip-the-line ticket.

We’re doing “the inner work” in a way you haven’t done it before.

We’re doing it relating to business - so you don’t land at “Yaaay, I feel more like myself than ever, but ahhhh I want more money!!!!” (which is something I see all the time).

Sugar Mommy is the place to shift your identity so you stop settling for less and let your bullshit stories run the show aka your business.

Ready to create inner AND outer Wealth?

Then this offer is for you.


I'm just starting my business and don't know yet who exactly I want to help & with what exactly, will this still help me?

1111% YES. The reason you don't know yet what you want & who to help with is likely that: you're overthinking it because you don't fully trust yourself that this will work. It's easier to stay in the planning phase than to actually put yourself out there (been there 😉). BECOME YOUR OWN SUGAR MOMMY will help you remember who the fuck you are and how you are - of course - a magnet for money and soul-fam clients.

Do we cover strategies in this as well?

No. This offer really dives deep into the mindset + energetic element of business which is the foundation of a successful business. I see how many well-educated, well-intended female entrepreneurs massively overcomplicate this part. That is why I want to offer a fresh perspective that has literally made me multiple 6-figures. If you do feel more drawn to dive into strategies, check out offers such as "Sales made Simple", "6 reasons you aren’t earning 6 figures yet - even though you are meant for it" or go all in by joining my signature Money + Sales program "Feminine Fortune". You can find all offers on my WORK WITH ME page.

When would you NOT recommend joining this offer? (please read this carefully!)

Since Sugar Mommy is a rather fast-paced, intense offer that might challenge your system a lot, it is not a place for people who have experienced severe trauma. It is also not for you if you are looking for strategic business input, or determined to hold onto how you've seen + experienced business until here. However, if you're open and ready for massive change - come. Definitely come. This offer will shake you and kick your ass in all the right, loving ways.

I am so excited to help you become unshakable & wealthy AF!

Click below to sign up.

All In

Join now. Thank yourself later.

The foundation of my consistent cash flow with ease.

99 €

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?"

- Marianne Williamson